Elmiron Lawsuits Being Filed for Vision Impairment

An interstitial cystitis drug, Elmiron, is made by Janssen Pharmaceuticals to treat the illness but has been linked to vision impairment. Janssen Pharmaceuticals was sued for the first time by individuals who were injured by this drug in January 2020. The plaintiffs contend that Janssen Pharmaceuticals withheld adverse event reports from the public and the FDA due to their knowledge of Elmiron’s potential for eye damage resulting in vision impairment.

Injury to the Eye Caused by Elmiron

Three primary vision impairment conditions have been linked to the use of Elmiron, including pigmentary maculopathy, macular degeneration and retinal maculopathy.

Symptoms include:

  • Distorted or blurred vision
  • Change in eye color
  • Problems reading or adjusting to the dark
  • Dark or blind spots in vision
  • Loss of vision
  • Colors appear muted
  • Eye pain
  • Straight lines appear curved

In a lawsuit filed by thousands of Elmiron users, they claim the drug damaged their retinas, with vision impairment as a result. Because of pending Elmiron lawsuits, it is important for users to be aware of the company’s potential liability. Product liability claim compensation may be available to those whose vision was affected.

Why File a Lawsuit?

As a result of the use of this defective medication and the side effects that resulted, filing a lawsuit against Elmiron may be able to assist you in obtaining compensation.

A personal injury lawyer who handles these types of claims may be able to help you recover the compensation that you deserve by filing a product liability claim against the company. Compensation that you may be able to recover include:

  • Medical bills associated with your injury
  • Future medical costs
  • Wages you lost from being unable to work
  • Pain and suffering for having to deal with your serious health problem
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress because your injuries were traumatic and changed your quality of life
  • Grossly negligent defendants may be subject to punitive damages, which is awarded in addition to your other compensation 

Your compensation amount will vary based on the severity of the damage to your eyes. You would receive a larger settlement if you lost your vision entirely, as opposed to someone who simply experienced increased light sensitivity.

Having Your Vision Examined by a Professional

If you have suffered vision damage from Elmiron use, a qualified medical professional should diagnose you. Having a medical diagnosis from a professional can help you determine whether Janssen Pharmaceuticals can be held accountable for your injuries. Because eye damage related to the use of Elmiron can sometimes be diagnosed as age-related, you need to tell your eye doctor that you were exposed to Elmiron. This helps you receive a diagnosis that is accurate if your vision is adversely affected.

In Louisiana, those who are injured by another person or entity have only one year in which to file a claim for damages. This means it is critical that you consult an injury lawyer as soon as possible. 

Olinde Law Firm

You can count on us at Olinde Law Firm to work hard to get the compensation you deserve for your injury based on our extensive experience in handling pharmaceutical liability claims. Those injured by defective drugs can consult with our pharmaceutical litigation attorneys free of charge. Get started immediately by calling us at (800) 587-1889 or by contacting us locally in New Orleans at (504) 587-1440. We can also be reached online.