File a Claim Against 3M for Your Combat Hearing Loss
More than 230,000 claims by veterans are pending in courts because of 3M Combat Arms Earplugs, which the Department of Justice noted as defective and caused hearing loss as early as 2000. The earplugs were found to be too short and came loose without the soldier realizing it. These earplugs were used by soldiers in the Middle East and Africa as well as those receiving training. The number of filings against the multinational corporation makes it the biggest federal mass tort civil action in history.
Olinde Law Firm
We at the Olinde Law Firm understand the frustration and pain you have experienced from your loss of hearing and firmly stand by you to help you get the compensation you deserve. Records held by the Veterans Administration say that more than half of all service members suffered damage to their hearing while they were deployed. Those who suffered that injury have the right to claim compensation for their hearing loss. Call us at the Olinde Law Firm for a free, no-obligation consultation at 1-800-587-1889 to find out how we can help you.
Signs and Causes of Hearing Loss Among Veterans
Hearing loss among older Americans is common, affecting about 33 percent of those between 65 and 75. The type suffered by veterans is often sensorineural and affects the inner ear or is due to a ruptured eardrum. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), loud noises or explosions are one of the causes of this type of hearing loss. Some of the symptoms of hearing loss include:
- Speech or other sounds appear to be muffled.
- The hearer has problems understanding words, especially if they are in a crowd or if background noise such as running water or music are present.
- The hearer has problems hearing consonants and mistakes what the other person is saying as something else.
- The person with a hearing problem frequently turns the radio or television up loud.
- The individual is hesitant to join in conversations because of their hearing loss.
- The person with hearing loss often has to ask others to talk louder or more slowly.
- He or she avoids social settings such as gatherings of people because it’s too difficult to follow a conversation.
The High Risk of Tinnitus in Veterans
Tinnitus is the main hearing disability suffered by veterans. Gunfire, the noise of aircraft and machinery are common in war and during training. Tinnitus can cause a phantom ringing sound in the ears but may be a buzzing, clicking, humming, roaring or hissing noise. In some people, it can cause depression or anxiety.
What to Do If Your Hearing Problems Were Caused in the Military
When someone used the 3M Combat Arms Earplugs and suffered tinnitus, hearing loss or other injuries to their ears, they may be able to place a claim for damages with the help of a personal injury lawyer. Recoverable compensation can cover the cost of their medical expenses, emotional and psychological as well as physical pain and suffering as well as lost wages if they were unable to work. Even if the party was a member of the military and is currently on disability or gets their hearing aids from the Veterans Administration, they may still be able to file a lawsuit for damages.
The U.S. Department of Justice reached a settlement with 3M for $9.1 million. Since then, veterans and other military members seek damages for the harm they suffered from these defective earplugs. Enlisting the help of legal representation in filing your lawsuit can help.
Call the Olinde Law Firm for Help
When a defective product caused your injury, phone the Olinde Law Firm to have your questions answered, find out whether you have a case and what options are available for you to recover damages. Call us at (800) 587-1889 to schedule your free case review. You can also reach us online.