Defective Product Attorneys
There are many defective products which threaten the health and safety of everyday citizens around the country. While large corporations do not intentionally hurt people by manufacturing dangerous drugs or defective medical devices, these corporations cut major corners in the sole pursuit of profit, and put consumers in the line of fire as a result. Some of the recent media coverage has focused on defective products such as Bard IVC Filters, Bair Hugger Warming Blankets, and bad drugs such as Zoloft and Lipitor.
Louisiana Products Liability Act (LPLA)
Normally, large pharmaceutical or defective medial device litigation plays out on the nationwide scale. However, as a prime central location for these types of cases, Louisiana has developed its own state law regarding products liability cases: the Louisiana Products Liability Act (LPLA). The LPLA is the exclusive channel through which someone bringing a products liability case can sue the corporation ultimately responsible for their injuries. The LPLA provides a path for injured parties to sue the manufacturers of defective products.
Under the LPLA, an injured person bringing a lawsuit against a manufacturer must show the following:
- They were harmed by an unreasonably dangerous product;
- They were using that product for the use it was intended at the time they were injured;
- The product was manufactured to be unreasonably dangerous or had an insufficient warming about its potential danger to its users; and
- The product’s unreasonably dangerous condition existed when it left the manufacturer’s control or occurred from a reasonably foreseeable modification of the product
Many parties—persons and entities alike—can be considered manufacturers for the purposes of the LPLA. Manufacturing a product can mean anything from actually constructing or designing it, to refurbishing or even just placing a name on its product label. A successful products liability claim under the LPLA can produce financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and emotional suffering, and even wrongful death damages.
Attorneys For Pharmaceutical Litigation & Defective Medical Devices
To learn more about New Orleans Louisiana pharmaceutical or defective medical lawsuits, contact the experienced attorneys of the Olinde Law Firm today. Our attorneys have the resources and experience to take on the big corporations in their backyard or yours, and will work together with you to reach the best possible outcome in your case. Call our offices right now at 1-800-587-1889 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation about your claim or visit our contact page for more information about seting up an appointment with an attorney.