While you have the right to handle your own case if you’ve suffered a personal injury, you should realize that these claims are complicated, and you could end up being blindsided by the insurance company. In addition, it’s been shown that using a personal injury lawyer to handle your case can end up with you receiving two to three times the compensation you would if you handled it yourself. That’s a good reason to pick up the phone and get the help you deserve.

Insurance Companies Protect Their Businesses

In any type of car accident or other injury caused by negligence, the other side will use their own insurance representatives or lawyers to try and get out of accepting responsibility. Remember, insurance companies are in business to make money, and a lawyer will do his/her best to defend their client. If you attempt to take on the insurance company by yourself, they will likely try to wear you down and force you into settling for much less than you’re entitled to.

Additionally, the insurance company will have a team of investigators who will be looking for anything they can to use against you in order to avoid responsibility. They could try to say that you’re partially responsible for the accident or that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. If you don’t have a lawyer on your side, you may not know how to respond properly to these accusations.

Offering Much Less Than You Will Need

Another problem you will face if you don’t have a personal injury lawyer is that the insurance company will likely offer you a settlement that’s much lower than what you need or deserve. They may argue that you were partially responsible for the accident. If you accept their first offer, you could end up being stuck with medical bills and other expenses that far exceed the amount of money they gave you.

On the other hand, if you have a personal injury lawyer represent you, they will be able to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. They can also help build a strong case by gathering evidence and talking to witnesses who can attest to what really happened. With a lawyer on your side, you’ll have a much better chance of getting the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Finding the Evidence You Need to Prove Fault

In order to win your case, you will need to prove that the other party was at fault for the accident. This can be difficult to do if you’re not familiar with the legal process. However, a personal injury lawyer will know how to find and gather the evidence you need to prove that the other party is responsible. They can also help you file the necessary paperwork in a timely manner so you don’t miss any important deadlines.

The Paperwork Is Extensive

There’s also a lot of paperwork that needs to be filled out when you file a personal injury claim, and in Louisiana, the statute of limitations is one year. If you’re not familiar with the process, you could easily make a mistake that could jeopardize your case. For example, if you’ve been in a car accident, you will need to fill out a police report, as well as an insurance claim form. You may also need to get copies of your medical records and bills, as well as any other documentation that will support your case. A lawyer will know precisely what needs to be done in order to give you the best chance of receiving compensation.

Filing a personal injury claim can be a very complicated and time-consuming process. If you don’t have a lawyer on your side, you could easily make a mistake that could cost you the compensation you deserve. A personal injury lawyer will know exactly what needs to be done in order to give you the best chance of winning your case. Contact a personal injury lawyer today to get started on your claim.

Olinde Law Firm – Personal Injury Lawyers

When you’ve suffered a personal injury, the Olinde Law Firm can help you recover the compensation you deserve. For a free consultation, call us at (800) 587-1889 to speak with one of our lawyers. A knowledgeable attorney can help you recover fair compensation if you have been injured by someone else’s negligence. You can also reach us online.