2022 Ongoing Hernia Mesh Lawsuits
In 2021, over one million injured people were operated on to repair hernias. Many of these surgeries are successful, however, serious complications have arisen from hernia mesh devices being implanted. Lawsuits are ongoing around the country for those injured by these implants.
Has your hernia mesh surgery caused problems? Your case may qualify for a lawsuit if it has. Schedule a free consultation with one of the Olinde Firm’s attorneys by calling (800) 587-1889. We can answer your questions, review your case and tell you whether you can recover compensation.
What Is a Hernia Mesh and Why Are They Used?
Hernia meshes are medical devices that reinforce weakened tissue to repair hernias. Organs or other tissues protrude through a hole in the muscle or connective tissue that surrounds a hernia. Hernia meshes are surgically implanted to cover the hole and reinforce the surrounding area.
Major Complications
Although hernia meshes are supposed to be permanently placed, when complications arise they must be replaced or removed, which is a complicated operation. Some of these products have been found to cause severe complications and are defective devices. Hernia meshes produced by Bard®, Atrium, and Ethicon have all been implicated in serious injuries.
Are Lawsuits Ongoing in 2022?
According to federal court records, Atrium Medical Corporation, Ethicon, and Davol Inc./C.R. Bard were facing 20,613 lawsuits as of Sept. 15, 2021. State courts in the country are currently dealing with hundreds more cases.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first trials have been postponed and rescheduled at various times. The Antonio Milanesi case against C.R. Bard resulted in his being awarded $255,000 in compensation. Although the settlement was low, it represents good news for other plaintiffs suing for their injuries caused in the future.
The Symptoms of a Failed Hernia Mesh
In spite of the fact that failures aren’t common, they can occur. A dull ache, sharp stabbing pain or both are common symptoms of mesh failure. A failure can also be accompanied by the following symptoms in the months and years after implantation:
- Fever of at least 101 degrees Fahrenheit
- Gas or stool problems and difficulty urinating
- Drainage or redness at the incision site
- Bruising, swelling, or pain that is excessive
- Hardness in the abdominal area
- Vomiting, nausea, and other symptoms resembling the flu
A failure can also cause bowel obstruction, which is a serious complication. The symptoms listed above should be reported to your physician if you experience any of them. Removing and replacing a faulty mesh is often the best way to treat mesh failure.
For Legal Assistance, Contact Olinde Law Firm
The best way to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for your injury is to hire an attorney. You can schedule a free case review by calling the Olinde Law Firm at (800) 587-1889 or by contacting us online. We will fight for your rights to obtain the compensation that you deserve.