A teenage student driver and her driving instructor sustained severe injuries in an accident caused by a suspected drunk driver on August 13, 2020. The head-on accident occurred as the student driver stopped the Nissan Versa to yield before merging onto Robert Boulevard from Brownswitch Road in Slidell.

A Jeep Liberty slammed head-on into the Nissan Versa causing substantial damage to the Nissan. Jarrod Scaccia drove the Jeep. Police officers estimate that he was traveling between 50 and 60 mph when the collision occurred.

The Nissan burst into flames. Bystanders worked to get the teenager, and the driving instructor out of the Nissan as the owner of a nearby mechanic shop worked to put out the flames. Both victims went to the University Medical Center in New Orleans with multiple injuries.

The Jeep flipped after it collided with the Nissan and landed in a roundabout where it struck another car. The driver of the other vehicle sustained minor injuries. Scaccia did not sustain injuries in the drunk driving accident.

Scaccia was charged with driving while intoxicated, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, two counts of first-degree negligent injuring, and driving with a suspended license.

Victims of Accident with Drunk Driver in Slidell Identified

The teenage driver was identified as 17-year-old Moriah LeFrere. Her mother says that she does not remember much about the crash or the people that helped her get out of the car to safety or the person who worked to put out the flames. LeFrere sustained several injuries in the accident. Her jaw was fractured in two places, and she has a broken foot and a broken femur. The driving instructor was identified as Susan Schwaner. She was unconscious in the front seat of the accident. Schwaner sustained broken ribs and a broken wrist, and femur.

Drunk Driving Accidents Kill and Injure Thousands of People Each Year

Intoxicated driving continues to be a serious problem in the United States. Approximately 30 people die each day in accidents involving a drunk driver. During 2018, drunk driving crashes resulted in 10,511 deaths. In 2019, there were 269 fatal crashes and 2,853 injury crashes involving alcohol in Louisiana.

DUI accidents result in catastrophic injuries and death. Survivors of drunk driving accidents often face a lengthy recovery. Many accident victims are out of work for months, while many other victims are unable to return to work. The injuries caused by the drunk driving crash results in permanent disabilities that have life-altering consequences.

Damages in DUI accident claims include:
  • The cost of past and future medical care
  • Past and future loss of income, including wages, overtime pay, salaries, bonuses, commissions, and benefits
  • The cost of in-home health care and personal care
  • Pain and suffering, including physical, mental, and emotional suffering
  • Permanent disabilities, scarring, impairments, and disfigurement
  • Wrongful death claims

The value of a DUI accident claim depends on the severity of the injuries, financial losses, and other factors. It is important to work with an experienced New Orleans DUI accident lawyer to maximize the value of the claim. Victims and their families need and deserve full compensation for all damages caused by a drunk driver.

Contact a New Orleans DUI Accident Attorney for More Information

If a drunk driver injured you or your loved one, we want to help. We fight for justice for victims of DUI accident. Let us help you get the justice you deserve after a reckless and careless driver causes a drunk driving crash.

Contact Attorney Fred Olinde and the legal team at The Olinde Firm to discuss your car accident claim. Call (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule a free consultation with one of our DUI accident lawyers in New Orleans.