A car accident can ruin your Labor Day weekend plans quickly. If you are traveling to New Orleans for the unofficial end of summer or you are just trying to get around town with the added traffic that a long holiday weekend brings to our town, it is important to know how to handle a Labor Day accident should one occur. The steps you take immediately after a traffic accident can have a significant impact on your ability to settle an injury claim for full value. In this blog, our New Orleans car accident attorneys review the steps accident victims can take following a car accident that can improve their chance of winning a fair settlement.
Stop and Call 911 Immediately!
If possible, pull over to the side of the road where you are safe to call 911. Even minor accidents should be reported to the police. You need an official record of the traffic accident for insurance purposes.
Document the Accident Scene
It can be very helpful to have photographs and videos of the accident scene before the vehicles are moved and the scene is cleared. If it is safe to do so, try to take pictures and make a video of the crash scene. Include pictures of all vehicles, traffic signals, skid marks, and the surrounding area. Also, ask witnesses for their names and contact information because they might leave before speaking with a police officer or the officer may fail to speak to all witnesses.
Don’t Accept Fault
Do not say that you are sorry or otherwise accept fault for causing the accident. Even if you believe that you could be partially at fault for the crash, it is best to speak with a car accident attorney before providing any statements regarding the cause of the accident to the insurance company.
Seek Medical Treatment for Injuries
If you have not seen a doctor, you need to see one as soon as possible. It is important to document your physical injuries for an accident claim. Some injuries may not present symptoms until several days after the accident. In some cases, aches and pains that you might assume are normal could be an indication of a more serious injury. An insurance company might try to use your delay in seeking medical care to argue your injuries are not severe or are not a result of the car crash.
Contact a New Orleans Car Accident Attorney Now
Before speaking with an insurance provider, it is wise to seek advice from an experienced NOLA car accident lawyer. The insurance company does not represent your best interest. Its priority is to settle your claim for as little as possible if it cannot deny your claim in full. You can benefit from the experience, support, and guidance of a personal injury attorney who understands Louisiana car accident claims and how to fight insurance companies for fair and just treatment of claims.
Contact The Olinde Firm or Attorney Fred Olinde by telephone at 1-800-587-1889 or (504) 587-1440 to schedule a free consultation with a car accident attorney in New Orleans. You can get answers to your questions about car accident claims and advice regarding your options for recovering a fair amount for your damages, injuries, and losses after an auto accident.