Many parents love this time of year because their children are going back to school. However, motorists may not be as thrilled about back to school time in New Orleans. The additional school traffic can add time to your commute each morning. In addition, back to school time poses risks for pedestrians and motorists.
You can reduce the risk of a tragic accident by planning ahead and keeping a few back to school safety tips in mind when heading out each day.
Leave Earlier on School Days
Allow yourself extra time when driving on school days, especially in the mornings and in the afternoon around the time children are leaving school. You can check for the school district’s schedule online so that you know when traffic may be heavier. Giving yourself extra time to arrive at your destination can reduce the urge to speed or use risking driving maneuvers to try to avoid traffic.
Avoid Distractions
It is very important to minimize distractions, especially in school zones and neighborhoods. Children can dart out into the road unexpectedly as they are waiting for the school bus or walking to and from the bus stop or school. Try to avoid eating and drinking while you are driving and put away the cell phone.
Watch for Teenage Drivers
It is not just school buses and kids you need to watch as students head back to school. You may encounter more teenage drivers during morning rush hour as they head to school. Be mindful of teenage drivers because they do not have as much driving experience and they tend to be more carefree behind the wheel of a vehicle, especially when they have several passengers in the vehicle.
School Bus Accidents
School bus accidents can result in tragic injuries and deaths. When you are following a school bus, be aware that it will make multiple stops, so try to be patient. Also, you need to be alert and cautious when approaching bus stops. Never attempt to pass a bus that is loading or unloading children. Watch carefully for the flashing lights and the stop sign for the bus.
Review Safety Tips for Children
If your children catch the bus, you should review how to walk to the bus stop and how to wait for the bus safely. For example, remind children to stay on the sidewalk and not to roughhouse or engage in horseplay at the bus stop. Also, remind children to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before walking toward the bus to board the bus. It is a good practice to wait until the driver opens the bus doors before approaching the bus.
Contact a New Orleans Accident Attorney for Help
If your child is injured in a traffic accident, we are here to help. Our New Orleans car accident attorneys provide trusted legal counsel, guidance, and support throughout the claim process.
Contact Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule a free consultation with a New Orleans accident attorney.