Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. If you plan to fight the crowds to find the best buys this year, we offer the following safety tips to make your shopping trip safer.

General Safety Tips for Shopping on Black Friday

Some things to keep in mind as you head out in search of bargains on Black Friday include:

  • Be prepared for the crowds! You will need all the patience you can manage to gather to wait in long lines. Hum a holiday song or list the things you are thankful for as you deal with the long lines and crowds.
  • Keep your money and credit cards close to your body. Thieves love distracted shoppers who have their wallets or purses in buggies that are unattended.
  • Store packages in a trunk or other area of your vehicle that is not easily visible.
  • When shopping before dawn or after sunset, park in well-lit areas and avoid walking to or from the store by yourself.
  • Take breaks during the day. It is easy to become distracted when you are hungry and tired. You need to remain alert while shopping and driving because of the crowds.
  • It is best to leave children at home. However, if you do have children with you, hold hands and watch them very carefully. Children do not understand the dangers of busy parking lots and crowded stores.
  • Never argue over an item. It is simply not worth the trouble to save a few bucks.
  • If possible, use one credit card while you are shopping. Leave the rest of your credit cards at home where they are safe.
  • Monitor your credit cards and bank accounts very carefully and compare all charges to your receipts to ensure you are not a victim of fraud.
  • If you purchase large items, ask for assistance from the store to transport the item to your vehicle. You might want to plan to take large items homes before continuing your shopping.

Driving Tips for Black Friday

Navigating the traffic on Black Friday can be difficult. Leave early and avoid distractions while driving. You can anticipate heavier traffic on this day, so be prepared for traffic jams. Parking lot accidents can increase because of the added number of vehicles and people in the lots on Black Friday. When driving in a parking lot, watch for vehicles and pedestrians and be very cautious when pulling out of a parking space. Slow down and watch for children who might dart out between cars or off sidewalks.

If you decide to end your shopping trip with a few drinks with friends, don’t drink and drive. Designate a person who will not be drinking to drive or arrange for another form of transportation. It is not worth the risk to drink and drive, especially on a day when you know traffic will be much heavier than a typical day.

Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Shopping Season

As you are shopping for the holidays, we hope that you are not involved in a car accident. However, we want you to know that our New Orleans car accident attorneys are available over the holidays if you need help with a car accident claim.

You can reach Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm by calling (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to request a free consultation with a New Orleans accident attorney.