Traffic accidents occur in good and poor weather. While it may seem logical to blame poor weather conditions for a traffic accident, not all weather-related traffic accidents are caused by rain, high winds, fog, ice, or other weather conditions. However, insurance companies will try to blame weather conditions for crashes if it will save them money. Don’t allow an insurance company to avoid paying a valid accident claim because it was raining or foggy at the time of your accident. Below are several tips that can help you when you are dealing with a weather-related traffic crash.

Take the Same Steps You Would Take for Any Other Traffic Accident

Treat a weather-related traffic accident as you would any other accident. Call 911 to report the accident and document the accident scene by making pictures and videos. Only try to document the scene if it is safe to do so — never put your life or the lives of others at risk to take photos or make videos after any traffic accident.

Wait for the police officer to arrive and tell the officer exactly what happened. Avoid blaming the weather for the cause of the crash. Drivers make mistakes in good weather and poor weather. Our attorneys will investigate all factors that could have played a role in causing the accident. Simply because the weather played a factor does not mean that the other driver cannot be held liable for his or her actions that contributed to the cause of the collision.

See a Doctor As Soon As Possible

As with any accident, it is very important for you to see a physician as quickly as possible after the crash. If you do not go to the emergency room, you should see your family doctor the next day. Delaying treatment could hurt your chance of recovering compensation for your damages. You do not want to give the insurance company any reason to argue that the accident did not cause your injuries.

Do Not Work Directly with the Insurance Adjuster

The insurance adjuster does not work for you. You need an attorney who has your best interest as the top priority to protect your legal rights. An adjuster is not going to warn you of mistakes you may be making that can harm your claim, legal options for recovering compensation, and the true value of your claim. Our car accident attorneys work for you. We put your needs first and fight for your right to receive a fair and just settlement for your claim.

Hire an Experienced New Orleans Traffic Accident Attorney

For more information about your rights regarding a weather-related accident, contact Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm by calling (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to request a free consultation with a New Orleans accident attorney. You may be able to recovery compensation for damages including but not limited to lost income, medical bills, property damage, pain, and suffering.