Did you know that the majority of people who are injured and killed in large truck accidents are not in the cab of the truck? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over seventy percent of the 116,000 people injured in large truck accidents during 2015 were occupants of other vehicles or non-occupants. Likewise, of the 4,067 people killed in large truck accidents that year, over eighty percent were occupants of other vehicles or non-occupants.
With the number of people being killed or injured in commercial truck accidents increasing, it is important to review the safe driving tips for driving near large trucks. We must share the road with these enormous vehicles; therefore, we should know the ways we can reduce our risk for being involved in a truck accident.
Tips for Driving Near Commercial Vehicles
If you are driving on the interstate or the city streets of New Orleans, if you encounter a commercial vehicle remember to:
Always Avoid Blind Spots.
A large truck has many blind spots where the truck driver cannot see you, especially down the right side of the vehicle. When you are driving in one of the truck’s blind spots, you could be crushed or run off the road when the truck begins to change lanes or turn. Learn where the blind spots are on a commercial truck by visiting the FMCSA’s website.
Always Allow Additional Room Between Your Vehicle and The Truck.
A heavy truck cannot stop quickly or maneuver in the same way as a passenger vehicle. It is impossible to move a vehicle that large or stop a vehicle that large the same way you do your minivan, SUV, or car. An oversized truck requires a lot of room to turn or change lanes. It also requires a greater distance to stop, especially when traveling at high rates of speed on an interstate or highway. Therefore, allow additional room between your vehicle and the truck when passing, following, or merging in front of a truck. Never pass a truck that is turning, either on the right or the left, because a truck requires a great deal of room to maneuver a turn.
Never Drive Beside a Truck Longer Than Necessary.
A large truck can roll over from high winds, tire blowouts, road conditions, or improperly loaded cargo. If you are driving beside the truck, your vehicle can be crushed when the truck rolls. Only drive beside the truck when passing, if possible.
Always Avoid Dangerous Driving Habits.
You might not be able to control other factors, but you can control your actions behind the wheel. Some of you driving habits could increase your risk of being involved in a truck accident. When you are driving, remember to obey the speed limit and avoid distractions. Do not drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and always remember to wear your safety belt. Avoid driving when you are tired or drowsy and try to remain calm while driving to avoid incidents of road rage.
Do You Need a New Orleans Truck Accident Attorney?
YES! If you have been injured in a truck accident, you need an attorney with experience handling truck accident claims. These claims can be very complex and involve multiple expert witnesses. The truck company and its insurance company will have a team of professionals protecting their best interests. You deserve to have your own legal team fighting for your right to full compensation for damages.
Call Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to request a free consultation with a New Orleans truck accident attorney.