Summer is one of the most traveled times of year for teen drivers. The 100 Deadliest Days that begin on Memorial Day and end at Labor Day is a deadly time for teen drivers. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that drivers between the ages of 16 and 17 years are three times more likely than adults to be involved in a fatal crash. The feeling of privilege and freedom are high on the list for teenagers who can drive in the summer without sticking to a school schedule. With new driving privileges comes the inexperience of being on the road, which led to more than 1,600 people died in the past five years in accidents involving inexperienced teen drivers during the summer months.
New teen fatalities are on the rise. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the number of teens involved in fatal accidents increased more than 10 percent from the previous year in 2015. New teen drivers die in fatal accidents because of not wearing a seat belt, texting while driving, and speeding. Parents are the first teachers and line of prevention for new teen drivers. AAA director, Jennifer Ryan encourages parents of new teen drivers to educate their children of the dangers of driving. Children copy what they see their parents do, so parents must exemplify good driving behaviors and set examples.
Help Teen Drivers Become Safe Drivers
New teen drivers can take precautions when driving on the road by following simple, common-sense rules of the road. Consistent good practices on the road help a new teen driver stay conscious and aware of varying driving situations on the road. A lot of accidents can be avoided by using good judgment and safe practices while driving. New teen drivers should practice these tips to prevent themselves from becoming a statistic:
- Posted speed limits are there for our safety. Follow and obey posted speed limits at all times.
- Click it every time that you get in your car to drive.
- Properly position your hands on the steering wheel so that you have full control of the vehicle. Studies recommend the 3 and 9 o’clock positions.
- The safest place for a cell phone is put away, however, should you need your cell phone out, it needs to be on a hands-free mount
- Consider other drivers on the road. Don’t cut them off, pull out in front of them, or rubberneck on the road.
- Use your signals at every time for turning and switching lanes.
- When a light turns green, wait a few minutes before pulling off from an intersection.
- Underage drinking comes with a high cost. It is not worth the driving freedom that you have for a buzz. Results and consequences can be deadly.
New teen drivers need to understand the great responsibility that comes with driving; most accidents are avoidable if a driver follows the rules in place and use good driving practices. If you have to question yourself, if it is a good idea to do something, then nine out ten, it is not. Use your common sense.
Has Your Teen Driver Been Injured in an Accident?
Not all accidents involving teen drivers are the fault of the teen driver. Do not let an aggressive insurance adjuster blame your child simply because of his or her age. Call Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm by calling (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to request a free consultation with a New Orleans accident attorney.