It may sound unfair, but Louisiana restricts the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit for a motorcycle crash, car accident, or truck accident. If you do not act quickly, you could lose your right to recover money from the negligent driver who caused your traffic accident. Our New Orleans attorneys can help you file a car accident lawsuit to protect your rights. Call 1-800-587-1889 to request a free consultation with one of our NoLA accident attorneys.
Louisiana’s Deadline to File Car Accident Lawsuits
Regardless of whether you were in a car, truck, or motorcycle or if you were a passenger, bicyclists, or pedestrian, you only have one year from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit under Louisiana’s Statute of Limitations. This is a very short deadline for filing personal injury lawsuits. Some states allow up to three or four years, but Louisiana decided to enact a much shorter time to file lawsuits for a personal injury accident.
Beware! If the government is involved in your accident, your time to file a claim could be even shorter! If you are claiming a road hazard caused your car accident or if the crash involved a government vehicle or employee, you must contact our attorney immediately. Lawsuits involving governmental entities, agencies, property, or employees have a separate set of rules for filing lawsuits.
What Happens if I Miss the Deadline?
If your lawsuit is filed after the deadline for filing personal injury claims, the defendant can ask the court to dismiss the lawsuit for “cause.” This means that the lawsuit was filed after the deadline prescribed by law, and even though you have a valid claim, the defendant is entitled to have the lawsuit dismissed without a trial.
If your lawsuit is dismissed, you are responsible for paying all medical bills and other expenses related to the accident and your recovery. You cannot get reimbursed for your lost wages or any other expenses or damages.
Acting Promptly!
It is very important when you are in a traffic accident to seek immediate medical care. You need to protect your health, but you also need to protect your legal rights. You may not be considering a lawsuit at this time; however, it is difficult to know the long-term impact of your car accident. It is always best to learn about your legal rights from an experienced New Orleans accident attorney in case you need to pursue a claim or file a lawsuit.
Call for a Free Appointment!
Our New Orleans personal injury law firm offers free appointments for accident victims and their families. Because it does not cost you anything to get the advice of an experienced car accident attorney in New Orleans, there is no reason why you should not take this opportunity to learn about your legal rights regarding a car accident claim.
Call Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to request a free consultation with a New Orleans accident attorney. We accept most car accident cases on a contingency fee basis — you don’t pay our attorney fees unless we recover money for you.