Medical devices can help a person function, relieve pain and ensure a higher quality of life for patients. However, when they fail to function correctly, they can cause injury and permanent damage, even death. It’s important to be able to recognize such a device before injury occurs. If an injury does result, it’s also essential to be able to determine that the device was the cause.
Alere Home Monitoring Device
The Alere INRatio/INRatio2 monitor and test strips is a monitoring device which has been recognized to be defective. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a recall alert for the device.
This device measures the thickness of the blood and its coagulation properties to ensure it is not too thin or thick. It’s often used in conjunction with blood thinners or other medication or situations where the person’s blood must be monitored. When a person’s blood does not coagulate correctly, they are at risk for severe bleeding, strokes, and other medical complications.
Defective Device
Certain medical conditions may alter the accuracy of the Alere device, including anemia, pneumonia, influenza, chronic inflammatory diseases, severe infections, and cancer. The risk associated with this device includes inaccurate readings which are generally too low. The result can be strokes, subdural hematomas, severe bleeding and even death.
The recall has been labeled as a Class I recall, which is the most serious.
Many Other Defective Devices
The Alere product is just one example of the many defective medical devices on the market today. Other issues include:
- Pacemakers which fail to maintain the correct heart rhythm
- Silicone gel implants for breast augmentation which rupture
- Heart valve implants which leak and lead to heart failure
- Hip replacement parts which cause severe pain and result in loss of balance
- Gynecological devices which may cause infection, infertility and even miscarriages when not sterilized properly
- Kidney dialysis filters, which are designed to cleanse the blood of patients on dialysis, but may be contaminated and lead to death
- Intrauterine devices, which may cause pelvic diseases
- Video bronchoscopes, which may lead to bacterial infections
If you have used a medical device, been the recipient of a medical procedure using a device or had a device inserted into your body and you notice unpleasant or severe side effects, it’s important to research the device to find out about potential problems. You may discover other complaints made to the FDA or lawsuits in progress over the device.
Be aware of any issues before using the device or having a procedure done. If you are concerned, ask for more information or find out about alternative solutions.
If you have suffered medical complications which you believe may be the result of a defective medical device, you deserve to be compensated for any medical costs that were incurred because of this situation. You also may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering and other damages from a defective device. Seek the advice of an attorney who is experienced in defective device lawsuits.
Have You Been Injured by A Defective Medical Device?
If you believe a medical device has caused you injury, you need an attorney who understands how to litigate these cases. Call Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm to schedule a free consultation with a New Orleans defective medical device attorney. Our Louisiana product liability attorneys have extensive experience handling these types of cases. Don’t let your opportunity to receive compensation for your injuries expire. Call us today for your free appointment!
Contact our office at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to speak with an associate about your case.