Many women are seeking compensation for damages and other costs for medical issues that have resulted from using Essure, a birth control product developed by Bayer and Conceptus Inc. Numerous lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturers for claims resulting from the use of this product.

What is Essure?

Essure is a permanent form of birth control for women. It is a non-surgical device that has been in use since its approval in 2002. No general anesthesia is required to insert the device, and the device doesn’t use hormones to prevent contraception.

The procedure to insert Essure can be performed in a doctor’s office and only takes about ten minutes. The doctor inserts metal coils that are flexible and made of titanium and nickel into the woman’s fallopian tubes. Tissue grows around the device over the next three months to form a barrier that prevents conception during intercourse.

Side Effects and Long-term Risks with Essure

Essure can cause cramping, vaginal bleeding, discomfort in the back or pelvic area, and mild to moderate levels of pain. In addition, there are some long-term risks associated with this form of contraception. Potential long-term risks and side effects associated with the use of Essure include:

  • Obesity
  • Unintended pregnancy, including an ectopic pregnancy
  • Rash and itching caused by an allergy to nickel
  • Pain in the joints, fatigue, and other symptoms of autoimmune disease
  • Migration of the insertion point in the fallopian tubes to the lower abdomen
  • Puncturing the uterus or fallopian tubes

If the insert separates and breaks or moves out of position, surgery is usually required, sometimes multiple surgeries, to correct the problem. The woman may even have to have a hysterectomy to remove the uterus.

Lawsuits Against Bayer

Over 5,000 women filed grievances with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding Essure between November 2002 and May 2015. The complaints cited severe pain, unintended pregnancies, miscarriages, and other issues. As a result, the FDA has mandated new warnings, called black box warnings to be included on Essure labels.

There has been no recall of the product, and the FDA believes it is still a safe form of birth control for women who want a permanent form of birth control. However, women should consider the risks of this and all permanent birth control devices before deciding on a contraceptive method. The FDA is now reviewing all comments and views on this device.

Litigation against the manufacturer is still ongoing with lawsuits taking years to complete. No settlements have been offered or completed at this time.

Contact a New Orleans Defective Medical Device Attorney for More Information

If you have been injured by using Essure or another medical device, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your damages, losses, and injuries.  However, you must act quickly. The time to file a claim for a defective medical device is limited. If you fail to file your claim in a timely manner, you could lose the right to receive compensation for your injuries.

Call Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm to schedule a free consultation and no-obligation case evaluation with a New Orleans defective medical device attorney. Our attorneys handle cases from all over the United States.  Contact our office at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule your free appointment today to discuss your legal options.