Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a common injury in motor vehicle accidents and falls. Even though hundreds of thousands of people suffer from brain injuries each year, many people do not understand the seriousness of a head injury. They assume they just have a “bump on the head” and a bump on the head is nothing to be concerned about.
EVERY head injury is a serious matter.
Below are five of the most common myths about traumatic brain injuries.
- You must be unconscious to suffer a traumatic brain injury.
Many people believe that you must lose consciousness if you suffer a TBI. This is not true. You can suffer a TBI without ever losing consciousness or only losing consciousness for a few minutes. This is one of the reasons that you should always seek medical attention after any head injury — your injury could be far more serious than you realize.
- Helmets always prevent head injuries.
You should always wear a helmet to protect your head when riding a motorcycle, riding a bicycle, or participating in some sports. Helmets do reduce the risk of suffering a brain injury in an accident. However, helmets do not ALWAYS prevent a brain injury. Seek medical attention even if you were wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.
- You look fine, so you don’t have a head injury.
Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may not be present immediately following an accident. Brain injury symptoms may appear within a few hours or the next day. This situation is especially common with a closed brain injury. There may be no outside sign of trauma; however, the victim begins suffering from symptoms the next day. To protect yourself and your loved ones, be familiar with the signs and symptoms of brain injuries. You can access this information from sources including the Centers for Disease Control, the Mayo Clinic, and your family doctor.
- A mild brain injury does not result in permanent disabilities.
This is NOT true. Mild brain injuries can result in long-term or permanent emotional, physical, or cognitive problems. TBI victims can suffer from debilitating symptoms that impair their ability to work or perform daily tasks. The severity of a brain injury can only be determined by an experienced physician after a complete examination and workup. A person should never assume that the symptoms of a TBI will “go away” or “get better” with time.
- You can recover from a brain injury in a few days.
Some people with a mild concussion may recover in a few days but to assume that everyone with a brain injury can recover in a few days is a dangerous assumption. In some cases, the person may not recover for months or years, and some never recover.
Contact a New Orleans Personal Injury Attorney for Help
If you or a loved one is injured in a motor vehicle accident, please seek medical attention to ensure you have not suffered a brain injury. After seeking medical attention, contact our office to schedule a free consultation with a New Orleans personal injury attorney. You need to understand your rights and legal options before deciding how to proceed.
Contact Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule your free legal consultation. Get the facts from someone who is on your side and who has your best interest as his top priority.