Have you been injured in a motorcycle crash in NoLA? Are you out of work because of a car accident? Did a large truck collide with your car leaving you with thousands of dollars in medical bills? Being injured in a motor vehicle accident is a traumatic event. Accident victims suffer a variety of damages including physical injuries, emotional stress, and financial losses. Filing an accident claim can seem overwhelming when you are struggling to recover from injuries to get back to work.
Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm encourages you to call our office at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule a free legal consultation with a New Orleans car accident attorney. We can help you file your accident claim and handle the legal requirements so you can focus on your recovery and your family.
Filing An Accident Claim After a NoLA Traffic Accident
If the accident is not your fault, the insurance adjuster for the other driver will probably contact you before you have a chance to process what happened to you. In some cases, the insurance adjuster may contact you in the hospital. Of course, the adjuster may claim he simply wants to make contact to check to see how you are doing after the accident. However, keep in mind who the adjuster works for and what the adjuster’s main task is regarding your accident claim.
The adjuster works for the insurance company; therefore, he has the company’s best interest as his top priority. The best interest of the company directly conflicts with your best interest. The company seeks to pay as little as possible while you are seeking full compensation for your injuries. The insurance adjuster cannot have your best interest at heart if he is doing his job.
In most cases, the adjuster is trying to get to you before you have a chance to speak with a New Orleans car accident attorney. The adjuster prefers you don’t learn your rights regarding an accident claim. Don’t allow the adjuster to have an advantage over you. Contact our office now to schedule a free case evaluation to discuss your claim.
Know your rights BEFORE you speak with the insurance company. In fact, allow our law firm to represent your best interest. The sooner you get us involved in your accident claim, the more time we have to conduct a thorough accident investigation and prepare a strong demand statement to get you as much compensation as possible for your accident claim.
Furthermore, the insurance adjuster may try to convince you to sign forms and provide a statement so he can “process your claim” to get money to you. Don’t fall for this tactic! Yes, you will be filing a claim, but you may be harming your chance of recovering full compensation. It is best to allow an experienced NoLA car accident attorney to handle your claim and protect your legal rights.
Call a NoLA Car Accident Lawyer Now
Do you need an experienced NoLA car accident lawyer to help you with your claim? Call Attorney Fred Olinde of The Olinde Firm for a free case evaluation. Contact our office at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule a free legal consultation.