Have you engaged in any of the following behaviors while driving?
- Distracted driving, including texting, eating, talking on the cell phone, grooming, etc.
- Speeding or aggressive driving
- Drowsy or fatigued driving
- Running red lights
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Impaired driving
If you are guilty of any of the above unsafe driving behaviors, you are not alone. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 87 percent of drivers are guilty of unsafe behaviors while driving.
Common Unsafe Driving Behaviors
AAA’s report revealed that one in five drivers have been in an accident that resulted in a trip to the hospital and one in three drivers have a friend or relative who has been seriously injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident. Below are key findings from AAA’s report.
Distracted Driving
- 70 percent of drivers talk on their cell phones while driving
- 42 percent of drivers read texts or emails behind the wheel
- 32 percent of drivers type texts or emails while driving
- The NHTSA estimates 3,000 people die each year from distracted driving. A driver doubles his risk of being in a crash by taking his eyes off the road for two seconds.
- 48 percent of drivers exceed the posted speed limit by 15 mph or more on freeways
- 45 percent of drivers exceed the speed limit by 10 mph or more on residential streets
- Speed is a factor in traffic accidents resulting in 10,000 deaths per year per NHTSA estimates
Drowsy Driving
- 32 percent of drivers admit driving while drowsy
- AAA research estimates drowsy driving is a factor in 328,000 traffic crashes each year
Running Red Lights
- 39 percent of drivers admit to running a red light even though they could have stopped
- NHTSA estimates that 697 people died and 127,000 people were injured in 2013 from traffic accidents related to running a red light
Seatbelt Use
- 18 percent of drivers admit to not using their seatbelt
- Per the NHTSA, about half of the people who died in traffic accidents in 2013 were not wearing their seatbelt
Impaired Driving
- 13 percent of drivers admit driving when their BAC might have been at or near the legal limit during the last 12 months (9 percent admit to driving while impaired more than once over the last 12 months)
- NHTSA research estimates alcohol-related traffic accidents causes 10,000 deaths each year
The above results were based on a survey of 2,442 drivers who were 16 years of age and older.
Accidents Caused By Unsafe Driving Behaviors
When a collision is caused by unsafe driving behaviors, the victims of the traffic accident are entitled to recover compensation under Louisiana personal injury laws. Accident victims may receive compensation for their:
- Past, present, and future medical expenses, including long-term medical care
- Past, present, and future lost wages, including a loss of earning capacity
- Property damage
- Disfigurement and scarring
- Permanent disability
- Physical pain, emotional suffering, and mental anguish
In the event of a wrongful death, family members may be entitled to receive compensation for loss of love, companionship, and support, in addition to, compensation for funeral expenses.
Contact a New Orleans Car Accident Attorney
If you are injured in a traffic accident, you have the right to consult with a NoLA car accident attorney. Our lawyers have the skill, resources, and experience you need when fighting a big insurance company. We fight for your right to receive full compensation for your injuries.
Contact Fred Olinde your experienced New Orleans car accident attorney by calling (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule a free legal consultation.