It’s possible to be injured in a car accident, even if you weren’t driving very fast or if you don’t notice any symptoms immediately following the crash. One of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents is whiplash.
Before you brush whiplash off as no big deal, you should understand what whiplash is and how it can affect your life.
Facts About Whiplash
Symptoms of whiplash last longer than six months in approximately 75 percent of cases. Symptoms may take days or weeks to show up. Whiplash appears to be more common for women than for men. Think whiplash is no big deal? Patients with whiplash lose an average of eight weeks of work due to the injury and the complications from whiplash.
What Is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a common term used to describe several different neck injuries, often characterized by stiffness and soreness in the neck and shoulders. Whiplash is damage to the soft tissues in the neck. Whiplash is common when the vehicle a person was riding in was hit from behind or rear-ended by another vehicle. As the other vehicle hits the car in front of it, the driver’s body in the front vehicle jerks forward fast while the neck stays in place. The flexion and dramatic extension caused by the sudden impact to the rear of the vehicle causes the injury.
While whiplash is an informal term used to describe mild to moderate pain and stiffness in the neck, more technical terms will be used when your physician diagnoses your injury. Doctors often refer to whiplash as neck sprain, neck strain, myofascial injury, cervical strain, cervical sprain, hyperextension or hyperflexion.
Signs Of Whiplash
Stiffness and soreness are usually the most common symptoms associated with whiplash and neck injuries. However, other symptoms may also be present, including but not limited to:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Shoulder, back, or arm pain
- Blurred vision
- Inability to sleep
- Problems with concentration
- Unusual sensations in the arms, including tingling, numbness, and burning sensations
- Decreased mobility
The symptoms of whiplash may not appear immediately and you may feel fine after a car accident. It is always in your best interest to be seen by a physician after any collision, regardless of how you “feel.”
What To Do About Whiplash
Many people assume because they didn’t seek immediate treatment after a traffic accident that they are on their own. They may not go to a doctor believing whiplash is minor and the symptoms will go away in a few days. While this is true in many cases, it’s not true in every situation.
Always seek medical attention if you feel sore or show other symptoms after a car accident. Soft tissue damage can have serious and permanent consequences if not dealt with properly. Get treatment and then discuss your case with a New Orleans traffic accident attorney. Depending on the severity of the whiplash or neck injury, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit. If the other driver is responsible for the car crash, which is usually the case in rear-end collisions, that driver’s insurance should pay for your medical expenses and other costs.
Have You Been Injured In A Car Accident?
We can help. The NoLA personal injury attorneys of The Olinde Firm have the experience, resources, and skills you need when you are battling an insurance company to recover compensation for your injuries. Contact our office at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule a free legal consultation.