Airbags are a common safety feature in almost all vehicles manufactured today. Consumers have come to expect airbags to be a standard feature when they purchase a new car. Used together, airbags and seatbelts save lives and reduce the risk of serious injuries in car crashes. However, a hidden injury related to airbags can result in a life-threatening medical condition. Doctors and the public should be aware of this potential injury if the airbags deployed during the collision.
How Do Airbags Work?
In the event of a crash or collision, airbags are designed to provide a cushion between you and the hard objects in your vehicle such as the steering wheel and the dashboard. Airbags are packed tightly into the steering wheel, dashboard, and side panels of most vehicle models. Sensors monitor the vehicle and “tell” the airbags when to inflate.
When the sensor detects an action associated with a crash or collision, a chemical reaction is triggered that causes an explosion of nitrogen gas. The airbag fills up with the gas and explodes from the container at speeds between 100 and 220 miles per hour. It takes less time than a blink (55 milliseconds) for the airbag to deploy. In a perfect setting, the airbag acts as the cushion between the occupant and the hard area of the vehicle that could cause serious injury during an accident. Unfortunately, airbags themselves can cause injuries during a crash.
What Injuries Are Caused By Airbags?
When the airbag deploys at speeds of up to 220 miles per hour, the airbag can cause bruises where the airbag impacts the occupant. Lacerations and scrapes can be caused by the pieces of the container holding the airbag as they fly through the air during the deployment. However, cardiac injury is a hidden danger of airbags that many people do not know about and may not recognize until it is too late.
A review of airbags warns doctors and the public of the “hidden injuries” that can result from airbags during a car crash. Airbags can cause cardiac injuries, especially when the driver or passenger is not wearing a seatbelt at the time of impact. The lead author of the study explained that the airbag can cause a variety of serious and deadly cardiac injuries that are not visible immediately after the accident. These types of injuries can be easily missed because of the lack visible wounds or the absence of chest pains. In some cases, the only symptoms may be back pain and/or difficulty breathing or painful breathing.
Due to the risk of cardiac injuries in a car crash, it is always in your best interest to be checked by a medical professional following a car accident, especially if the airbags deployed. If you are suffering any unexplained symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.
Have You Suffered Cardiac Injuries in a New Orleans Car Accident?
The Olinde Firm offers a free case evaluation for NoLA accident victims. Contact our office at (504) 587-1440 or 1-800-587-1889 to schedule your free legal consultation with an experienced NoLA car accident attorney.
You should not be required to bear the financial burden of a car crash caused by the other driver. Louisiana personal injury laws provide a way for you to receive compensation for your injuries, losses, and damages.