After a truck accident or a car accident, your first priority is your health. Your focus should be on seeking medical treatment for any injuries so that you can make a full recovery; however, the insurance company for the at-fault driver may try to pressure you into a quick settlement before you can consult with an attorney. The insurance company does not have your best interest as its priority; therefore, you should always be worried when the adjuster tries to convince you the insurance company will “take care of you” by paying you a quick settlement. This is usually as sign that the insurance company is trying to settle the claim for less than the true value of the claim because it knows you are entitled to a higher amount.
An experienced New Orleans personal insurance attorney will protect your right to a fair and just settlement. Our attorneys have your best interest as our top priority; therefore, you should never agree to a settlement before you consult with our office.
Reasons Why You Need to Consult with The Olinde Firm Before Accepting an Insurance Settlement
Insurance companies are not acting in your best interest.
Insurance companies are in business to make money; therefore, they will use whatever resources they can to reduce the amount of money they must pay on car accident and truck accident claims. Insurance adjusters are trained to use tactics such as offering low amounts quickly in the case in an attempt to get the accident victim to sign a release of liability. Once the release of liability is signed, the accident victim cannot sue the other driver for future damages. The American Association for Justice published a report entitled “The Ten Worse Insurance Companies in America” detailing how insurance companies deny claims among other things.
You are limited to what you have already received.
As discussed above, if you sign a release of liability, you are prohibited from suing the other driver even if your damages exceed the amount you settled for with the insurance company. If you rush to settle an accident claim, you may receive much less than you are entitled to receive under Louisiana personal injury laws.
You may not understand the true value of your accident claim.
You should be compensated for all of your losses including but not limited to medical bills, lost wages, travel expenses, property damage, and other out-of-pocket expenses. In addition to the financial losses, you are entitled to receive compensation for non-economic losses such as physical pain, emotional suffering, scarring, disfigurement, and loss of enjoyment of life. The insurance company will not explain to you all of the damages you may be entitled to receive; therefore, you may receive much less if you do not consult an attorney prior to accepting a settlement.
Your injuries may be much worse than you initially thought.
In some cases, accident victims may not realize the severity of their injuries for weeks or months later. For example, a closed head injury may only cause a mild headache for a few weeks; however, the headache increases in severity and other symptoms begin to appear. If you settled your accident claim, you will be responsible for the medical bills and lost wages from your injury rather than the person who caused the accident paying for those costs. Settlements should never be accepted until you have reached maximum medical recovery. Your personal injury attorney can work with your physicians to determine when you have reached this state.
Contact a New Orleans Personal Injury Attorney Before You Accept a Settlement Offer
Do not let the insurance company take advantage of you by convincing you it is in your best interest to settle your accident claim before you consult with an attorney. The attorneys of The Olinde Firm want to help you receive the compensation you deserve for your losses. Contact our office for to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced motor vehicle accident attorneys.